Starting & Running Your Own Business Seminar – Summer Seminar Sold Out! – Fall Seminar 9/12

Picture1Saturday, September 12, 8:30 am-4:15 pm HCC Spring Branch, Commons

We sold out for the summer seminar, so don’t miss your chance for the Fall encore presentation! Topics covered: Personal Factors, Management, Business Opportunities, Marketing, Organization, Insurance, Regulations, Requirements and Sources of Capital, Cash Flow and Cash Management; and Business Plans. Sign up early to hold your seat!  Pay online to save!

For Details and to Register

Small Business Marketing Boot Camp

Picture2September 15, 16, 17, 9:00 am-12:00 pm, HCC Spring Branch, Commons

This Marketing Boot Camp is designed for small business owners and your marketing team to get inspired, focused and well on your way to an invigorated and more well-defined marketing plan and strategy; and thus grow your sales.   

• Marketing Plan Overview and Workbook Marketing Toolkit and Social Media-Day 1
• Taking Your Business Online and Building A Strong Website & Blogging-Day 2 
• Sales Dominance-The Key to Creating and Sustaining Success-Day 3

Featured Presenters: Experienced entrepreneurs, trainers, best-selling authors and mentors: Jeff Jones, Toni Harris, Marco Cerrato and Richard Tyler. Each day also features guest entrepreneurs who have started and/or grown their businesses through HCC programs and partners. Click on links to learn more about these OUTSTANDING topics and presenters! Brought to you by HCC, SCORE and Constant Contact.  

To Register for One Morning or All Three


Plan To Start or Grow Your Business – Fall Fast Track: 1) Class, 2) Competition and 3) Prize Money!

Enroll Now for Small Business Management – Classes Start 9/24!

Take Small Business Management-An Entrepreneurial Approach and draft your plan to start or grow your business. Choose a class session at HCC Spring Branch designed for early birds or night owls:

• Thurs Mornings, 9:30am-11:30am, 9/24-12/13/15; OR
• Thurs Evenings, 6:30pm-8:30pm,  9/24-12/13/15; 

Three Steps to Prize Money: 1) This class and your drafted plan qualifies you to apply to enter the 2) HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition in the Spring. This working competition provides tuition-free training and mentoring to refine and polish your plan… and you could 3) win prize money too! 

If you don’t need the college credit, enroll on-line quick and easy as a Continuing Education student!   

For Details and to Register

Class, Competition and Prize Money to Start or Grow Your Business!

Picture4Class starts September 24 – Sign Up Now!

Aspiring and existing entrepreneurs will be signing up for the Fall class that qualifies them to apply for the HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition, leading to prize money for the top teams!  Some of the most popular Fall classes start September 24. For more…

Seminars, Boot Camps and Workshops:

• September 12: Starting and Running Your Own Business Seminar
• September 15 thru 17: Small Business Marketing Boot Camp (Sign up for one morning or all three!)
• September 15:  Marketing Plan Overview and Workbook and Marketing Tool Kit & Social Media
• September 16: Taking Your Business Online and Building a Strong Website and Blogging 
• September 17: Sales Dominance-The Key to Creating and Sustaining Success

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