Dr. Debrah Hall, Head of The Monarch School and Institute in Houston, Texas (center) receives the National Association of Private Special Education Centers 2014 NAPSEC Award for Leadership & Innovation in Special Education. Presenting the award to Dr. Hall are Dr. Tom McCool, NAPSEC President (left) and Sherry Kolbe, NAPSEC Executive Director (right).

Dr. Debrah Hall, Head of The Monarch School and Institute in Houston, Texas (center) receives
the National Association of Private Special Education Centers 2014 NAPSEC Award for Leadership
& Innovation in Special Education. Presenting the award to Dr. Hall are Dr. Tom McCool,
NAPSEC President (left) and Sherry Kolbe, NAPSEC Executive Director (right).

The National Association of Private Special Education Centers (NAPSEC) has awarded The Monarch School with its 2014 NAPSEC Award for Leadership & Innovation in Special Education.

The Monarch School received this award for demonstrating positive results through data collection, research and documented change which has resulted in new methods for program operations.

The Monarch School was honored for its dedication to providing an innovative, therapeutic education for individuals with neurological differences—such as those associated with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, learning disabilities, Tourette Syndrome, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, traumatic brain injury and seizure disorders.

Based on the criteria, The Monarch School was lauded for its efforts and teaching methods. Specifically, The Monarch School’s unique focus on four core goals exhibits a new and unique application of best practices in special education.

Those four goal areas include: Self-regulation and Self-awareness, Executive functions, Relationship development, and Academic and Professional competence.

“I am honored and proud to accept this award on behalf of all the students, parents, and dedicated professionals at The Monarch School”, said Dr. Debrah Hall, Head of The Monarch School and Institute.

To learn more about The Monarch School go to monarchschool.org or come see our students and faculty in action, by attending a Tuesday Tour. Tours are offered every Tuesday, from 9:00am-10:30am, when school is in session. All tours begin in The Monarch Center.


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