
Blue Star Program

The Management District is working with the Houston Police Department to encourage local multifamily residences and apartments to participate in the Blue Star Program. This program is designed to bring apartment complexes and multifamily residential units into compliance with current city codes and to promote safety for the residents of these facilities. The benefit for the property owner is a more valuable and desirable property which may work to increase profitability by encouraging good tenants while weeding out the criminal element. See the list of Blue Star Apartments in the District here.

Business Improvement Grant

The Board of Directors for the Management District established and funded the Business Improvement Grant to provide funds for commercial property owners within the District’s boundaries, in support of revitalization on a case-by-case basis. Grants are available on a 50/50 basis with a $10,000 cap per grant. Approved projects must complement the color and character of surrounding businesses and must meet the City’s Code of Ordinances.

The Management District also established a Demolition Grant program to help commercial property owners remove non-functioning structures before reconstruction.

Community Development

The Management District budgets every year for a Community Development Fund designed to offer Support Funding for programs in the district which benefit the community in a way separate from what the District itself is capable of providing. Approved programs must provide a report at the program’s conclusion quantifying the effect on the Spring Branch community.

Esplanade Improvement and Maintenance

Westco currently provides landscaping and maintenance of esplanades adopted by the Spring Branch Management District. In addition to cutting esplanades and right of ways along several commercial roadways, Westco also maintains irrigation systems in esplanades, helping to keep the Spring Branch area more attractive to current and potential businesses and the communities which surround them.

Graffiti Abatement

At no additional cost to property owners, the Spring Branch Management District provides removal of graffiti from businesses, public property, and other private property. This service is provided through a contract with the East End Management District who offers a low-cost graffiti removal program which not only removes the graffiti but often restores the property to its original condition. This program helps to reduce the likelihood of future graffiti while also removing the graffiti “scar”.

We are grateful to our community partners and residents who actively assist us in reporting incidents. We encourage all residents and businesses to join in the effort to help us eradicate graffiti from the district by reporting to 311 or by clicking here. We work closely with our graffiti abatement contractor, SEAL Security, and HPD to identify and prosecute the individuals responsible for graffiti in our District.

Litter Abatement

SMC Logistics provides for the Spring Branch Management District regular and routine removal of “Bandit Signs” (Those little homemade signs which adorn the intersections of so many other parts of the city) and general litter which clutters intersections and detracts from the aesthetic appearance of a well-maintained neighborhood.

Median Tip Improvements

The Spring Branch Management District is active in replacing damaged median tips across the district as well as redesigning and engineering tips to be more durable, keeping esplanades intact thereby increasing the life expectancy of the plants located within esplanades.

Mobile Cameras

The District has contracted with Zaladium, a SEAL Security Company, to provide mobile security cameras to multi-family and business properties within the district experiencing public safety issues. The cameras are loaned to properties on a first come, first served basis, and remain in place for 60-90 days an extension is requested by HPD or SEAL Security. These cameras are monitored 24/7 by SEAL Security and property owners are only asked to provide power to the unit. No other cost is required. If you would like to request a mobile camera for your property, contact Kristen Gonzales at [email protected].

Nuisance Abatement

Through a contract with the Harris County Attorney’s Office, the Management District has granted a nuisance abatement team the authority to work with HPD and SEAL Security to locate and abate businesses that are complicit in or actively promoting criminal and illegal activities within the District’s boundaries. The nuisance abatement team informs the Public Safety committee monthly of any progress made towards abating businesses that are resistant to reform, the committee does not dictate the actions of the nuisance abatement team.

S.E.A.L. Security Services

SEAL LogoThe Spring Branch Management District has contracted with S.E.A.L. Security Services to provide proactive law enforcement within the borders of the Spring Branch Management District. S.E.A.L. officers work in the commercial areas and major thoroughfares to supplement the existing services provided by the Houston Police Department, Spring Branch ISD Police and other law enforcement efforts in the area. The officers’ activities are reported in the Public Safety Committee meeting and to the Board of Directors at their board meeting via the Executive Director Report monthly. See meeting schedule for dates and times of meetings.