SBMD-LP002Finishing touches are bringing the Long Point reconstruction project closer to its forecasted completion date this spring, said Chris Edwards, an engineer with the firm, Cobb Fendley & Associates.

“We are about three or four months from completion,” he said. Workers have just about finished the paving for the westbound lanes on the north side of the road, he added.

The construction work will be soon switching traffic to the north side of the road so construction workers can begin demolition of the existing pavement on eastbound lane, Edwards said. Utilities will be installed first, and then the new paving of the eastbound lanes will be done.

The bridge expansion on the north side is also about complete, and the installation of brick pavers at the Bingle intersection will bring that portion of the project to a close.

During the lengthy construction process, the project has experienced only a few minor delays, but that is to be expected with any major urban reconstruction project, Edwards said.

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