The 6th annual Breakfast for Champions was another huge success! Over 500 supporters gathered to celebrate the impact of SpringSpirit Baseball in the North Spring Branch community and to hear baseball legend Cal SpringSpirit-3Ripken, Jr. give a special peek into his favorite baseball stories and secrets. High School SpringSpirit members Rocky Rodriguez and Melane Esparza spoke on behalf of the community they serve, sharing their stories of how SpringSpirit has changed their lives. To date, over $816,000 has been raised, allowing SpringSpirit to continue to change the trajectory of underserved kids’ lives by equipping them in body, mind and soul.

SpringSpirit extended many thanks to the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation, whom they honored for being one of their foundational partners. The Foundation has been a generous supporter from their earliest days through now, and SpringSpirit absolutely wouldn’t be where they are without them. SpringSpirit also thanked Stephanie and Frank Tsuru (Co-Chairs), Cara and Lance Berkman (Honorary Co-Chairs), Jason Martinez, Trey Strake and Aimee Snoots (Underwriting Chairs), and everyone who came out to support us for making this year another “home-run” success!

SSB Board member, Aimee Snoot, with Astros Pitcher, Dallas Keuchel

SSB Board member, Aimee Snoot, with Astros Pitcher, Dallas Keuchel

Given our city’s economic environment, SpringSpirit is still working hard towards meeting their fundraising goals to fund their programs in 2016/2017 and would welcome any gifts, small or large so that they can continue to lift up the youth of Spring Branch.

To donate now, visit

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