Apply Now – Free Mentoring & Training in Spring for Business and Growth Plans – Chance to Win Prize Money

Application Deadline-January 18 – 2017 HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition – For Startup and Existing Businesses. Free Mentoring & Training-Five 2-hour Tuesday Evening Training Sessions on Tuesday Evening in Feb & March at HCC Spring Branch. Plans Due April 10. Finals April 27. Your chance to Polish Plan, Win Seed Money and Post Competition Assistance. More

Mix & Mingle Reception – For 2017 Applicants & Past Contestants – HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition

January 10, 2016, 5:00pm-6:30pm, 2929 W. Sam Houston Pkwy.
For: BPC Alumni; All Applying for the 2017 BPC (or considering applying); Community Partners and Supporters; and Business Plan Competition Partners including Newspring, Wallis State Bank, Amegy Bank, LiftFund, and more. 2017 Application reviewers will be there too! Come mix & mingle. To RSVP

Creating a Successful Business Plan Class – Online*

Starts January 18-Ends February 24 – This class qualifies you to apply for the 2017 HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition – Your Chance to Win Prize Money! Takes 24 hours of your time online over 6 weeks, 12 lessons. Flexible Requirements – Just finish all 12 lessons in six weeks and take the online final at the end. The lessons help you develop and refine your business assumptions for your plan and get feedback from your instructor along the way. Sign up in 3 minutes.

Small Business Seminar- Biz Plans, Marketing & Funding

January 13, 12:30 pm – 4:30pm, HCC Spring Branch
Business Plan Prep to Launch & Grow – Marketing & Funding to Make it So.
Presenters from: SBA, LiftFund, Wallis State Bank, Amegy Bank, SCORE & Constant Contact. More & to Register 713-718-6650 [email protected]

More on These Small Business Happenings at the Center for Entrepreneurship HCC NW!

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