
In September of 2013, the District held its first ever Public Safety outreach to the multi-family community. The concept behind the outreach according to Committee Chair, Rino Cassinelli, who chairs the Public Safety Committee for the District, is “That law enforcement personnel is a partner in keeping our community safe, not just the people you call in an emergency.” Cassinelli went on to say that officers reported kids seemed to think of them only as “the folks who arrest people”. He stated that the District wanted to assist with dispelling this notion that law enforcement only shows up when something bad is happening.

The committee plans to hold the events quarterly with the next one slated for March 8. The location has yet to be determined, and each event will be held in a location central to multi-family housing in the District.

Vendors interested in getting involved should contact our Business Ambassador, Marie Cortes at: [email protected]

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