In the best interest of those we work with and serve, the Board of Directors for Keep Houston Beautiful have elected to postpone all spring events, projects and programs until further notice. This is effective immediately.

Our annual KHB DAY will be rescheduled to the Fall and will be held in conjunction with our Fall Sweep Event. Date TBA.

We are deeply disappointed by having to postpone any of the fun and impactful events and projects with our favorite people in Houston… our volunteers.
However, we know that together, we will come back stronger than ever.

In the meantime, we’d like to make some suggestions for carrying out your own environmental efforts and having fun while safely practicing social distancing, until we’re all back in the swing of things again:

  • Grab a trash bag and a pair of gloves, and take a walk with your family down your street to remove litter closest to you.
  • DO NOT organize group events or projects at this time. This puts you and your loved ones as risk to exposure.
  • Pull weeds in your garden.

It’s great stress relief and a quick beautifier for your garden.

On behalf of all of us at Team KHB, we wish for healthy families, households and communities during this uncertain time. We look forward to planning future projects and participating in community events with you very soon.

Your Champions for the Environment, and Friends in the Community

Team KHB

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