Creating A Successful Business Plan-Online Class

August 16 – Online, Six-Weeks, 24-Hour, Continuing Education Class.
Takes 24 hours of your time over six weeks. No textbook. Sign up in 3 minutes. – Completion of this class pre-qualifies you to apply for the Spring 2018 HCC Newspring Business Plan Competition and a chance at $30,000 cash and in-kind prizes! Take the class now. Sign up for free small business mentoring at HCC Alief Hayes Center for Entrepreneurship in the Fall. Go for the competition & $12,000 1st prize in the Spring! More

Starting and Running Your Own Business Seminar

Saturday, August 19, 2017, 8:30 am – 4:15 pm, HCC Spring Branch, Commons 
This seminar is a must for prospective entrepreneurs and a proven benefit to many already in business. It is a powerful program that’s packed with information, tips and techniques needed to start a new business as well as improve an ongoing enterprise. In this session, you will gain insight from SCORE experts as they discuss:
• Personal Factors & Management
• Business Opportunities
• Marketing
• Organization/Regulation/Insurance
• Requirement & Sources of Funds
• Cash Management & Record Keeping
• Business Plans
For Details and to Register

Income Tax Myths & Facts – Small Business Owners’ Responsibilities

Saturday, August 26, 2017, 10:30am-1:30pm, HCC Alief Hayes, 3rd Floor, Rm A319
Many individuals and small business owners are unaware of their tax responsibilities. This workshop clarifies common misconceptions on these topics:
1. Overview – Business Tax Structure.
2. Calculating Taxes – Different types; and who should pay them.
3. Consequences of failing to file and pay taxes.
4. Federal Business Tax Forms – Do it yourself or hire a tax expert?
5. State Business Income Tax – Franchise Tax – How to calculate & report.
6. Payroll Taxes-Social Security, Medicare, Federal, State & Unemployment.
7. Calculating Payroll Taxes – When to pay.
8. Contract Employees vs. Employees– Tax differences
9. Sales Tax – a business owner’s responsibilities
Come listen, learn and talk with your tax accountant. Invest in peace of mind.
For Details and to Register

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