Webinar: Plan & Build your Business
with the SBA & US Census Bureau
June 25, 2018
Census Business Builder

Join the US Small Business Administration Houston District office and the US Census Bureau for a FREE WEBINAR to learn about the many tools and resources that are available to potential and existing small business owners.

Join Guest Speaker: Valerie Maher, SBA Lead Economic Development Specialist, Houston, as she presents valuable information on how Small Businesses can benefit from US Small Business Administration programs and services.

The US Census Bureau provides a wealth of data that entrepreneurs and small business owners can use in their research, but accessing these data can be challenging if you don’t know where to look. In this webinar, Keynote Presenter, Mr. Andrew W. Hait, will conduct a live demo of the Census Business Builder suite of tools that make accessing key data easier. Designed specifically for business owners, the Small Business Edition of CBB provides easy access to selected demographic and business data that entrepreneurs might need for their business plans. Mr. Hait is an Economist, with over 30 years of service at the US Census Bureau, who serves as the Data Product and Data User Liaison in the International Trade Management Division at the U.S. Census Bureau.

Additionally, Mr. Hait will provide a preview of the Regional Analyst Edition of CBB; which was designed specifically for Chamber of Commerce and other regional organizations, to allow these essential users with the ability to build their own regions and view the data for those specific regions. Come learn how these two tools can help SBA advisers, partners, and small business owners power their successes by capturing valuable data using these essential tools!

Date: Monday, June 25, 2018

Time: 10 a.m – 11 a.m. (Central Time)

*This is an online webinar only*

To connect to the Web Conference, click on link below:

Link: https://census.webex.com/census/j.php?MTID=m4b8860b5bd333f6a0be83db2e504cd63

Audio connection:
Participant Dial-in number: 888-323-9725
Participant passcode: 5911383

This is a FREE webinar.

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