Today, May 5, 2020, is #GivingTuesdayNow – a global day of giving and unity, as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

We hope you we will join us on #GivingTuesdayNow and support the work MAM has been doing before and while social distancing.

We value the health and safety of our community and know they need us now more than ever.

Show your support today by making a donation that allows us to help those who need it the most. Thank you and stay healthy!

How Will Your Gift to MAM Help?

While we are practicing social distancing, donating the cost of things you would normally purchase allows MAM to help vulnerable families. You can make a one time gift or become a monthly donor.

Coffee $5

Donate the cost of your morning coffee toward helping someone pay for their medical prescriptions. While you get your caffeine at home, we help others stay up to date on their medication.

Lunch $10

Donate the cost of a lunch with co-workers toward keeping the lights on in a family’s home.

Happy Hour $15

Having a virtual happy hour with friends is so much cheaper than at the bar! Donate the cost of drinks toward a voucher to purchase clothing for a job interview or start a new job.

Brunch $25

Brunching at home just isn’t the same as going out with your group of friends. Share your Sunday brunch funds toward keeping a family safely housed.

Gym Membership $55

Unable to flex your gym muscle right now?
Support all of the above to strengthen your impact!

With YOUR help, we can CONTINUE to help!

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